Monday, March 24, 2014

Join the Neolithic Revolution!

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Join the Neolithic Revolution! This humorous David Steinlicht comic provides a detailed list of the advantages and disadvantages of plant and animal domestication. As stated in my previous post, I must reiterate that the cultivation and domestication of plants and animals did not develop rapidly as the word "revolution" implies. The agriculturalist lifestyle was a gradual change that developed over thousands of years. With that being said, here is an excerpt from the comic:

Harness Plant Power!
  • Learn how the seeds you drop can become next fall's crop!
  • Use seed selection to make future plants more production and easier to harvest!
  • Preserve and store surpluses for hard times!
  • Invent new ways of preparing and cooking plant foods!
Put Animals To Work For You!
  • Learn which species are slow and submissive!
  • Use food and fences to keep them around!
  • Influence their choice of mates!
  • Breed the best and eat the rest!
Plant and animal domestication can lead to overpopulation, deforestation, erosion, flooding, desertification, materialism, diminished nutrition, cavities, and television. Caution advised.
Your results may vary.

The advantages and disadvantages of adopting an agriculturalist lifestyle are clearly stated in the comic; however, why exactly did prehistoric humans feel the need to change their lifestyles? Were they pushed into it due to lack of resources, or were they pulled into it by observing the beneficial aspects of agriculture? 

  1. Comic by David Steinlicht


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